October is National Home Security Month

With National Home Security Month in full swing, let’s talk about keeping the interior of your home secure from burglars. The emotional impact of a burglary is more damaging than the cost of stolen valuables, so keep these tips in mind when securing your personal belongings.

  1. The most commonly stolen items are electronic devices such as iPads and jewelry. Make sure to put away your valuables when you are not home. Keep them out of reach and sight of open windows.
  2. Store your confidential documents in a fire-proof home safe. Make sure that the safe is bolted securely to the floor.
  3.  When disposing of confidential paper documents, use a paper shredder and empty it often.
  4.  A home alarm is a good visual deterrent to thieves. Install one and turn it on when you leave.
  5. Hire a Homewatch Service if you are planning a vacation away from your home. A highly trained team of professionals can keep on eye on your home and will alert and fix any issues while you are away.